Jean Alvarez – blog

La preocupación social por la salud y el bienestar hacen que el mundo del fitness esté en constante renovación. Es un mercado muy exigente que no cesa en la búsqueda para optimizar el rendimiento físico. Por eso he creado esta página web. Tú tienes muchas preguntas y hay muchas respuestas. Lo que quiero es simplificarte […]

Five day detox, so easy you’ll love it


When we cook our meals, specially vegetables, they lose a lot of important properties that our bodies benefits from. So what’s the best solution? Go crazy for five days eating only raw vegetables to cleanse your body and your me amazed on the changes you’ll achieve.


It’s important that you drink a lot of water during this cleanse, it’ll help you appreciate even better the changes that this will produce on your skin. Your organism will thank you later, and the best of it all is that you can choose the vegetables that you like the most, in case you have any preferences. The real task is not choosing the vegetables you like the must but fulfill in an extreme extrictly way this detox or you’ll lose all the effort in just one slip.
Before getting yourself into this, prepare your mind for a few days and realize what you’re about to do, take it seriously and when you feel prepared start it right away. Is just five days! I personally recommend you include this habit every 3 to 4 months to obtain and enhance the amazing results it brings to your bodies. Remember that’s all in the willpower, practice it every day in little details to make it a common aspect of your life. Challenge yourself every day to become into a better person. fda863f333dd6c75be528f4f0f5b4bc5

Things are better when you’re outside

The thing about training outside is that you have many benefits that you’ve never thought about. Although, depending on your goals, the amount of outdoor trainings could be less or more. This kind of training is perfect if you’re looking for losing weight, it’s a bit harder if you’re looking to gain weight because you would require to take out many heavy things in order to obtain this.


So if your goal is to burn up those extra pounds this is your best choice because:

  • is free, no registration or signing up needed.
  • no need to wait for someone to stop using it so you can
  • it has no closing time
  • there’s no fresher air than outside, where you can enjoy nature. Besides, you won’t have to tolerate other people’s strong odors, like you would in a closed gym.
  • you can train with as many people as you like, you can even make a date out of it. Whether is with your family, friends or a loved one.
  • it’s a perfect time for you to connect with yourself and concentrate on your most important thoughts


If you haven’t tried it stop wasting more time. Just remember that if you’ll be doing it during the day you’ll need sunblock, and at night a proper dressing for the cold and the dark. An never ever forget to hydrate!entrenamiento-al-aire-libre

Include some green in your daily meals

Many people don’t know how important and beneficial it is for us to consume vegetables on a daily basis. The common thought is that’s just good for you because that’s what you were told as a child. But, did you know that vegetables have a heavy influence to obtain weight loss changes? After a while, some diets don’t get you to your goal, even if you have a clean diet filled with protein. Vegetables are a necessary element that give a balance to your diet and keeps you healthy. So here are some facts that maybe you didn’t know about greens:


  • They provide your body with more water than lots of foods, just like fruits but without that sugar that your body absorbs, even if it’s natural, sugar will always be sugar.
  • Greens have a high content of antioxidants which is extremely beneficial for your health.
  • The fiber they provide to your diet is excellent to avoid constipation, levels your cholesterol, prevents colon cancer and stimulates a healthy glucose level.

So, what are you waiting for to start eating more green than you’re used to? They’re easy to find and even more easy to eat, get right to it and you’ll thank me later. Saludables-vegetales-verdes-para-el-invierno-1

It’s never too late to start a healthy lifestyle

Sometimes people never motivate themselves to start a healthy lifestyle because some myths that you must start this kind of lifestyle at an early age in order to be effective. Any positive changes you add to your life is always a good choice, no matter how old you are, any care you give to yourself your body will appreciate it. So, if you’ve ever considered carrying a healthy lifestyle but don’t know how to start and you can’t afford a too much professional help here are some tips:

  • Start drinking more water than you’re used to. Hydrating is one of the most important steps in the process of achieving healthiness.
  • Begin by exercising 30 minutes a day, preferably if it’s something you enjoy but requires physical effort. This way you’ll start to get used to exercise, this is elemental to improve your quality life. Whoever said you don’t need to exercise to be healthy lied to you. It’s not necessary to train 3 hours a day, you’ll keep yourself healthy by exercising 30 minutes every single day.
  • Culture yourself about which foods improve your health. Besides protein and healthy carbohydrates, there’s a very long list of amazing foods that improve your body state. You don’t have to spend much, just dedicate some time for online research and you’ll get around it in no time!
  • An excellent tip that no one believes how truly effective it can be is to always take the stairs. Keeping your body active throughout the whole day plus your 30 minute workout can be even more effective than 2 hours in a gym 3 times a week. Of course, its effectiveness depends on how clean your diet is, always remember that.
  • And last but not least respect your sleeping time at nights. In order for the body to function better it must rest 8 hours every night to recuperate from your active and hectic days.


Get rid of those lazy habits, become into an active person and follow these 5 simple steps and it’s guaranteed that your lifestyle will become into a healthy one.

Healthy lifestyle concept - vegetable bike

Healthy lifestyle concept – vegetable bike

5 facts to consider in order to introduce yourself in the Bodybuilding World

In order to introduce yourself in such a demanding world you must know that it takes a lot of effort and sacrifice. This requires many changes in your life and the most basic one is strictness. So I’d like to share five facts for you to have in mind about Bodybuilding:

  1. Is a lifestyle not a thing of the moment. Your life will change forever once you begin this road so there’s no backing up.
  2. Sacrifices must be on the top of your list in order to achieve results. You always have to go for that extra mile or even more, never give up and never back down.
  3. Besides an extremely strict diet you must include many supplements to it, including certain injections. You’ll have to search for professional advice in order to increase your muscle mass because you’ll never increase it if you stick to a regular diet.
  4. Search the means in order to start such a career because you’ll be spending a lot of money on what you’ll be nourishing your body with.
  5. Keep your mind on the final goal because it’s not gonna be easy to get there, is gonna take some time and you must be patient. Building up such a body takes a lot of time, even with help. lead_large

Easy meals for your hectic life

Sometimes, because of the lack of creativity we start eating the easiest and fastest foods because our limited time of our hectic lives. That’s why we want to show you that you can still carry on with your healthy eating habits without resting time of your precious mornings when things are super accelerated.


1.Turkey wraps

All you’ll be needing is: a wheat tortilla, 3 slices of turkey breast, 2 spoons of hummus, 1 small spoon of goat cheese and a bit of spinach. Put all the ingredients on top of your tortilla in the order you like best and you’re done!


2.Greek oatmeal

If you don’t have the time to cook your oatmeal every morning we have the solution for you! Buy precooked oatmeal, add it to a bowl of greek yogurt, add sweetener ass much as you like, and if you want to boost your spirit sprinkle some cocoa powder. You’ll love it! Guaranteed!


3.Avocado Toast

You’ll need a loaf of wholemeal bread, a good avocado, grated feta cheese and one egg. First of all start by making you poached egg. Then, in a bowl, mix the grated feta cheese with the avocado, add some olive oil and a touch of salt if you desire, meanwhile toast your loaf of bread so everything is ready at the same time. Spread the content of the bowl on your bread and put the poached egg on top and voilà!


4.Oatmeal Shake

This special meal is for people looking to boost their bodies with energy, especially for those who train a lot. You’ll be needing to blend:

  • 3 large spoons of oatmeal
  • a cup of fresh strawberries
  • 4 to 5 almonds
  • a spoon of linseed
  • and if you want you can add some powder protein and even sprinkle some chia seed in it

It’ll take you no more than 10 minutes to create and incredibly nutritious meal that will make you feel satiated for many hours. You can drink it any where in case you’re in a hurry.smoothie-bowl

This is what you should avoid when you finish exercising

When finishing your training our metabolism is very fast, that’s why there are certain things you should avoid to keep all the effort you made.


Our metabolism is literally a sponge that absorbs everything at the end of training, because it’s accelerated and ready to receive the most nutrients to repair and recover everything that the body has lost during exercise. Therefore it is preferable to avoid a few things:


  • Energy drinks: They contain a lot of sugar, dyes and chemicals that you don’t need, they’ll only make you regain those lost calories. They are recommended for athletes who spend more than 1 hour and 30 minutes training daily.
  • Pure protein: Although protein is essential for muscle repair after exercise, you should include other elements such as simple carbohydrates.
  • Commercial Smoothies: Is normal that after exercising you feel the need of eating something to regain energy, but commercial smoothies usually have sugar and components wont repair your body, they’re just a bomb of calories.
  • Not eating anything after training: If you don’t eat anything after training, even if you’re not hungry, after a while you’ll have a voracious hunger that’ll make you eat like crazy, including foods you shouldn’t35c0d00ffba843931df3cf480c5ab502

What you should take into account when making bench press?

The bench press is one of the most used exercises in the world of fitness, but if you do not perform it in the right way you may end up injured


It’s one of the most recommended exercises to work arms, chest and back exercises, but you should take certain things in mind to avoid getting injured:


  • Place your feet well: Having supported feet will give you the balance and strength you need to lift the weight well and be able to exercise well
  • Put your hands where they go: You must hold the weight a little separated, up to shoulder height and the bar should be resting on the center of the palm
  • Bring the bar just to the exact point: while holding the weight it must touch your chest, but you can’t let it rest upon you, because if not the shoulders would be making an extra effort. When going back up, you must do it firm and quickly
  • Keep your eyes on the bar: It’s a good technique to put all your attention on the exercise and be able to perform this routine in the right wayarticle-haz-bien-el-press-de-banca-564468370eb2f

Keep injuries away

Suffering from injuries because of trainings is common, so it’s important for you to know different stretches to keep injuries away.


Stretching is key when you’re training because it may be the reason of keeping the injuries away. So here are some tips to stretch in the right way and train without problems:


  • Make dynamic stretches: These consist in moving dynamically without stopping your movements, meaning; move your arms in circles, rotate your head and give simple jumps
  • Static stretching : are special to stretch specific muscles , that is, if you go jogging , stretching focus mostly on the legs
  • Between sets: If you go to the gym and work different muscle in one day, you can stretch the muscle you’re working between sets to prevent post workout pain
  • Final stretch: If you finish a workout is important to stretch to cool the muscles and avoid injury or pain after trainingmotivation-workout

Foods you should eat daily that benefit your health

You definitely are what you eat, so it’s important to always consume foods that benefit your body and your health.

A good nutrition is the foundation to lead a healthy life and fitness, being that

through food we bring to our body all these vitamins and minerals it needs to function perfectly.


We do nothing exercising if we don’t eat well, so here are a list of eight foods you should always include in your diet :


  1. Spinach : Rich in Omega 3, calcium and folic acid
  2. Lentils : This grain is rich in protein, calcium and zinc
  3. Tomatoes : Rich in antioxidants and perfect for disease prevention
  4. Zanahoria: Tiene gran cantidad de carotenoides
  5. Grapes: They contain antioxidants and flavonoids that our health care
  6. Chickpeas : Its high content of calcium, iron and protein are ideal to complete your diet
  7. Nuts: High content of fatty acids benefit heart health
  8. Oats: High in fiber and benefits the heart, digestion and regulates the voltage
